Home Styling Tips: From Basics to Mastery in Interior Design

Home Styling Tips: From Basics to Mastery in Interior Design - The Ultimate Guide to Professional Home Design.

The Ultimate Guide to Professional Home Design

Home Styling Tips – Elevate your space with these expert home styling tips. Discover how to start styling your house, make your home more stylish, decorate like a professional, and much more!

Home Styling Tips: Getting Started

 You’ve probably stared at your living space countless times, yearning for a change that reflects your style and comfort. But where to begin? Don’t fret! Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you transform your home into a haven of style and elegance.

How Do I Start Styling My House?

When it comes to styling your house, the first step is always introspection. Understanding your taste, daily routines, and what makes you feel “at home” is crucial.

  1. Determine Your Style: Whether it’s contemporary, minimalist, rustic, or boho-chic, figure out what resonates with you. Remember, your home should be a reflection of your personality.
  2. Create a Mood Board: This can be digital or physical. Pin or paste pictures of rooms, furniture, and decor items that inspire you.
  3. Budget Wisely: Once you have an idea of the desired look, set a realistic budget. This will guide you on what areas to prioritize and where you can DIY or splurge.

Home Styling Tips: From Basics to Mastery in Interior Design

How Can I Make My Home More Stylish?

Sometimes, adding a touch of style doesn’t need a complete overhaul. Here are some tips:

  • Play with Colors: Consider repainting walls with neutral tones, and add splashes of color with decor items.
  • Invest in Statement Pieces: Whether it’s a unique coffee table, an antique lamp, or an abstract painting, these items can significantly elevate your space.
  • Upgrade Fixtures: Little changes, such as new handles on cabinets or a modern faucet in the bathroom, can make a big difference.
  • Mix and Match Textures: Incorporate a variety of materials like wood, glass, metals, and textiles. This creates depth and interest in a room.

How Can I Decorate My Home Like a Professional?

Ever wondered what secrets lie behind those professionally styled homes in magazines? Here’s the lowdown:

  • Prioritize Functionality: Ensure each room serves its primary purpose. For instance, your bedroom should be primarily cozy and conducive to sleep.
  • Symmetry is Key: Professionals often use symmetry to achieve a balanced look. Place similar items or furniture on opposite sides of a room.
  • Add Layers: Use rugs over wooden floors, throw blankets on sofas, and add decorative cushions. Layers make a space feel rich and comfortable.

Where Do I Start When Decorating My House?

Starting to decorate can be overwhelming. Follow this step-by-step approach:

  1. Assess and Declutter: Before adding new items, evaluate what you have. Donate or sell items you no longer need.
  2. Choose a Focal Point: Each room should have a primary point of interest. This could be a fireplace, a piece of art, or a piece of furniture.
  3. Consider the Flow: Ensure there’s a logical flow in each room. Furniture should be arranged to promote easy movement and conversation.

Home Styling Tips

What Are the Basic Rules for Decorating?

Understanding some fundamental decorating rules can make the process smoother:

  1. 60-30-20 Color Rule: 60% of the room should be a dominant color, 30% a secondary color, and 10% an accent color.
  2. The Rule of Three: Grouping items in threes creates visual interest and harmony.
  3. Avoid Overdecorating: Less can often be more. Ensure every item has a purpose, and the room doesn’t feel crowded.

How Many Walls in a Room Should Be Decorated?

While there’s no hard and fast rule, a common approach is to decorate one or two walls, leaving the others simpler to maintain balance. The ‘feature wall’ concept is popular, where one wall is decorated or painted differently to become the room’s highlight.

What is the Rule of 3 in Decorating?

Derived from the principle that things arranged in odd numbers are more appealing, the Rule of 3 suggests grouping items in sets of three. Whether it’s vases, paintings, or candles, using this rule can create visual impact and rhythm.

Home Styling Tips: From Basics to Mastery in Interior Design

What is the 60 30 20 Rule in Decorating?

A timeless decorating rule, it’s about achieving color balance in a room:

  • 60% is the room’s dominant color, often seen on walls and large furniture.
  • 30% is the secondary color, visible on curtains, bed linens, and smaller furniture.
  • 20% is the accent color found on decorative pieces, cushions, and other smaller items.

What Are the 7 Rules of Interior Design?

Here are seven pivotal rules of interior design:

  1. Embrace Unity: All rooms should have a common theme or element to tie them together.
  2. Maintain Balance: This can be achieved symmetrically, asymmetrically, or radially.
  3. Harmony in Design: Use consistent color palettes and styles.
  4. Scale and Proportion: Ensure furniture and items fit the room’s size.
  5. Contrast: Using opposing elements (like dark and light colors) can make a space pop.
  6. Details Matter: The smallest details, like a stylish knob, can make a difference.
  7. Follow the Rhythm: Create a visual rhythm by using patterns or colors.

What is the Golden Rule in Interior Design?

The Golden Ratio, roughly 1:1.618, is a mathematical ratio found in nature, art, and architecture. In interior design, it suggests that the most aesthetically pleasing arrangement is a proportion of two-thirds to one-third or 60% to 40%. Using this rule can result in a more harmonious design.

Home Styling Tips


How can I make small spaces look bigger?

Opt for light colors, use mirrors to reflect light, and declutter regularly. Ensure furniture doesn’t overwhelm the space.

What’s a popular color trend in home styling?

Neutral tones with bold, contrasting accent colors remain a timeless choice. Earthy greens and blues are particularly popular.

Should all rooms have the same color scheme?

Not necessarily, but there should be a cohesive flow or element connecting all rooms.

How do I choose a style if I have varied tastes?

Eclectic styles combine multiple styles. Just ensure there’s a unifying factor like color.

Is hiring a professional decorator worth it?

If you’re unsure about your choices or need guidance, a professional can help. They often have insights and resources unavailable to the general public.

Which is the most budget-friendly way to upgrade a room?

Painting is relatively cheap and can dramatically change a room’s look. Also, DIY decor items can add personal and affordable touches.


Styling your home might seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it becomes a fulfilling journey. By understanding some basic principles and staying true to your personal style, you can create a space that’s both stylish and welcoming. Happy decorating!

*This article is intended to provide a general guide for home buyers in Ontario, but it does not replace professional advice tailored to individual needs and circumstances.

Home Styling Tips: From Basics to Mastery in Interior Design

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