The Complete Guide to Ontario Address Change: Who You Should Notify and When – Your Notification Checklist

The Complete Guide to Ontario Address Change: Who You Should Notify and When – Your Notification Checklist - Moving in Ontario? Your Comprehensive Address Change Notification Guide

Moving in Ontario? Your Comprehensive Address Change Notification Guide

The Complete Guide to Ontario Address Change – Dive deep into the complete guide to Ontario address change, understanding who you should notify and when. Equip yourself with a thorough notification checklist for a hassle-free relocation.

Moving to a new home in Ontario? Ah, the excitement of a fresh start! But, wait a second – before you get caught up in the whirlwind of unpacking and settling in, there’s a critical task you mustn’t forget: notifying the right entities about your address change. Trust me, the last thing you want is essential mail being delivered to your old place. This guide serves as your trusty companion, ensuring that every essential notification is checked off. Ready to dive in?

The Complete Guide to Ontario Address Change: Who You Should Notify and When – Your Notification Checklist

The process of notifying relevant parties of your address change can seem like an overwhelming task. But fret not! We’ve broken it down for you in a detailed checklist. Keep this guide handy, and you’ll have everything sorted in no time.

Personal Contacts

Family and Friends

Let’s face it, you don’t want Aunt Marge sending your Christmas present to your old digs. So, before anything else, shoot out an email or a text to your close family and friends. A new chapter in your life is starting, and they should be in the loop!


Your workplace needs to be informed – not just for the sake of correspondence but also for crucial documents like pay stubs, tax forms, and more.

Schools and Educational Institutions

If you or your kids are enrolled in any educational institutions, they must know your new address. This ensures all reports, notices, and other critical documents reach you without a hiccup.

Government Agencies

Canada Post

Setting up a mail forwarding service with Canada Post will ensure all your mail gets redirected to your new address. It’s a life-saver, especially if you’ve missed notifying someone.


This includes driver’s license, health card, and vehicle registration. They have a handy online service to make this process a breeze.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

Ah, the taxman! Ensure the CRA has your updated details to receive essential tax-related documents and notices. You can easily update your address online with them.

Utilities and Services

Electricity and Water

Contact your service providers to update your details. You don’t want to end up paying bills for both the old and new residence, do you?

Internet, Cable, and Phone

Ensure a smooth transition of these services by informing providers about your move in advance. Who wants to move into a new place without Wi-Fi, right?

Newspaper and Magazine Subscriptions

Don’t miss out on your daily dose of news or monthly magazines. Keep the reading habit going by updating your delivery address.

Financial Institutions

Banks and Credit Unions

Keep your bank in the loop. This isn’t just for statements and new cards but also for any verification processes they might undertake.

Credit Card Companies

Avoid potential issues with your credit card by informing them of your move. This can also help in ensuring no fraudulent activities are linked to your old address.

Insurance Providers

Whether it’s your car, home, or health insurance, make sure you’re covered at your new address.

Health and Medical

Family Doctor and Dentist

These are the folks you turn to in times of need. Ensure they can always reach you, especially for appointment reminders or test results.


If you have prescriptions, it’s essential to notify your pharmacy of the move, or find a new one closer to your new residence.

Memberships and Loyalty Programs

Don’t miss out on points, benefits, or exclusive deals. Whether it’s a gym membership or a frequent flyer program, keep them updated.

The Complete Guide to Ontario Address Change


Why is it important to notify entities about address change?

It’s essential to ensure that all critical mail and services get directed to your new home and to avoid potential issues related to identity theft or fraud.

How soon should I start the notification process?

It’s a good practice to start notifying essential entities two to four weeks before your move, especially for utilities and services.

Is mail forwarding necessary?

While it’s not mandatory, mail forwarding acts as a safety net, catching any mail from parties you might have inadvertently missed.

How long does mail forwarding last with Canada Post?

You can set up mail forwarding with Canada Post for durations ranging from 4 months to 12 months.

What about online purchases and e-commerce sites?

Absolutely! Update your address on platforms like Amazon, eBay, or any other e-commerce sites you frequently use to ensure smooth deliveries.

Do I need to update my address for online accounts like Netflix or Spotify?

While they may not send physical mail, it’s good practice to keep all your accounts updated. Plus, certain services might offer location-specific content or deals.


Changing your address, especially in Ontario, might seem like a mountain of tasks. But with this comprehensive guide in your arsenal, you’re well-equipped to tackle each one with ease. So, here’s to smooth transitions, accurate mail deliveries, and the peace of mind that comes with being organized. Remember, a little effort now saves a ton of hassle later. Happy moving!

*This article is intended to provide a general guide for home buyers in Ontario, but it does not replace professional advice tailored to individual needs and circumstances.

The Complete Guide to Ontario Address Change: Who You Should Notify and When

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